Friday, September 07, 2007

Random Musings

Every human I look at, reminds me of only one thing - Self Preservation. What ever action a person does, leads directly to the self preservation of that person. I look at people. You also take a look at people different from you. The way they talk, the way they act, the way they hand folding hands with a reflective, intense expression on their face.
They think they are the center of the earth. And they are centers of a world that is around themselves. There are a few people though, who do think about others before themselves. These kind of people are rare. So rare that hardly one comes along in a century. We rather not get into who is the great person of this century and such discussions.
I just was looking from my office window. And saw a man standing on a roof of a building, checking out the road below. Enjoying the view. With his one hand on the ceiling roof wall and the other on his waist. Another guy was talking to him and he was listening to him while looking away. This triggered the blog.


Anonymous said...

reminded me of something i read yesterday:

Anonymous said...

dunno if the link came through

Anonymous said...

Nice blog..but I don't totally agree. Such people are definitely rare, but you will find quite a bit of selflessness in a few people. You just have to look hard enough.

Also, look at it this is hard for people to be selfless when they themselves are dealing with people who are not. There is probably only a certain amount that people can give, but if their faith is not reinforced, then there really is no reason for them to continue being that way.

I guess everyone has it in them..some people just manage to balance it that much better.