Thursday, February 22, 2007


What is friendship? How can one tell if two people are friends?

They say, when in love, you "know". Do you "know" when you are in friendship?

Many a forwards keep floating through the internet talking about friendship. Trying to tell what friends should be doing. It could be communicating more, hugging more, sharing more and so many other things that should be done more.

I have asked quite a few people what they think makes two people friends. I have gotten a few answers, maybe these were answers I wanted to hear, they could be wrong or they could be right. After all these are opinions that turn out right or wrong based on the perception of the reader.

From what I heard, and my own personal experience I write below the basics of friendship. The factors, emotions and things people undergo to become friends or be called friends.

  • a friend cares for the other.
  • a friend has complete faith in the other
  • a friend will look at ways to make the other be comfortable (by listening to, lending a shoulder to cry on, etc.)
  • a friend is truthful and trustworthy (doesn't go backbiting the other)
  • a friend is one who overcomes petty differences between each other
I will stop here as this was the most general feedback I got.

They also say friendship is the first step to love. Some friendships go beyond the basics of friendship and enter this rare arena of love. When I talk about love it is not the flowersy, heartsy romantic love, but that love that wants you to meet a person and do things together. One that makes you wanna be with the other person and do nothing.

So, now that you have read this far, I would appreciate if you could tell me what your opinion of friendship is.

What makes people friends?

What does a person have to do to become friends with another?

Hope we take the path of enlightenment through this.

P.S: It would be great if you could share your thoughts in the comments. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I also beleive freindship is smthing where one understands the other and respect the other persons thought..he follows it or not is a subjective thing..but respecting it is important .. Adi

Anonymous said...

Good blog. Friendship is whatever u mentioned and much more.
Its about whether u feel comfortable enough in ur own skin around that person, no pretense.
Its about the other person being able to understand what's going on in ur mind without u even mentioning it.
Its about the other person being there for u at 2am or 3am in the morning, whatever the reason, and not cribbing once about losing sleep.
Its about someone recognizing from ur voice whether ur down in the dumps or not.
Anyways..nice going.


Unknown said...

It sensed out to me that u have read my mind and my flow of thoughts about the friendship. Good going!!!!!!!
Keep thinking and keep quoting.
Wanna friendship has got different versions for different people, its something which no one can define it, but always can make efforts to understand it.
Friendship and love the two beautifull words which gets together different people from different disciplines, the feel of love itself is so bolstering that even cracking down a hill looks to be a simple task.
Its really a gift to get loved by someone, who is so caring about you.
Love it looks mere galf in the tendering stage but it calls for more committment as it grows and gets matured.
These are my few thoughts. As i said it means a lot!!!!!!!!
Anyways good initiative keep going.......

Krithi said...

when u can be ur crazy/ whacky/ whiny/intolerable self around someone, and that someone appreciates/admonishes/admires/acknowledges u for wat you are, you know for sure u've "fallen-in" friendship...

i have a great friend from school. initially we used to talk everyday for hours. as the years passed by, the frequency/duration of our calls dwindled. i'd once mentioned this to him and he said "if, after all these years, we still have stuff to talk about for hours, then we aren't really friends..."

we now hardly talk for a minute a week; but one "u doin fine?" in the most unconcerned tone, is enough to tell me that there's a friend...

the best thing about friendship - wordless/actionless, it will show itself only when you need it the unnecessary propaganda required. i speak for myself when i say i have been blessed with the BEST of the lot!!! TW!